

Operating system that is fast compiled and booted.


sm.exeEditor of *.bdb files
sm.txtInformation about sm.exe
sm.cfgConfiguration of sm.exe
brain.cSource code that helps to understand *.bdb files
default.bdbSource code of the Tryskos kernel (edit by sm.exe, creates bootsect.asm, bootscd.asm, bootshd.asm and kernel.asm)
Starter10.bdbSource code of Starter 1.0 (see physical disks)
Starter11.bdbSource code of Starter 1.1 (file manager)
tryskos.txtInformation about Tryskos
Sources of ddls
OUTOutput directory of sm.exe with tools
OUT\CDDirectories and files that are added to CD image (bootcd.iso) by CdImgMkr.exe
OUT\_gocd.batCompiles kernel and starter and runs CdImgMkr.exe
OUT\_gocd2.batCompiles kernel, copies starter\starter.exe to CD\system\starter.exe and runs CdImgMkr.exe
OUT\_gofd.batCompiles kernel and starter and runs FdImgMkr.exe
Compiles ddls
OUT\bootcd.bxrcBochs file to virtually boot Tryskos from bootcd.iso
OUT\bootcd.isoBootable CD image created by CdImgMkr.exe
OUT\bootfd.bxrcBochs file to virtually boot Tryskos from bootfd.img
OUT\bootfd.imgBootable floppy disk image
OUT\bootscd.asmSource of boot sector for CD, created by sm.exe editting default.bdb and pressing F5
OUT\bootscd.datCompiled boot sector for CD
OUT\bootsect.asmSource of boot sector for FD
OUT\bootsect.datCompiled boot sector for FD
OUT\bootshd.asmSource of boot sector for HD
OUT\bootshd.datCompiled boot sector for HD
OUT\CdImgMkr.exeCreates a bootable CD image (bootcd.iso) from directory "CD", bootscd.dat, setup.dat and kernel.dat.
If you modify bootscd, setup or kernel, it is enough to press GO button.
If you modify starter or "CD" directory, you must press "Create Filesystem".
OUT\CdImgMkr.iniInitialization information for CdImgMkr.exe
OUT\fd.imgDisk image of drive B: for Bochs
OUT\FdImgMkr.exeCreates a bootable FD image (bootfd.img), allowing to load files to this image
OUT\FdImgMkr.iniInitialization information for FdImgMkr.exe
OUT\gasm.exeAssembler compiler
OUT\gdasm.exeAssembler decompiler
OUT\hd.imgHard disk image for Bochs
OUT\kernel.asmSource of kernel, created by sm.exe editting default.bdb and pressing F5
OUT\kernel.datCompiled kernel
OUT\setup.asmSource of setup
OUT\setup.datCompiled setup
OUT\starter.asmSource of starter created by sm.exe editting starter10.bdb or starter11.bdb and pressing F5
OUT\starter.exeCompiled starter

If you don't want to use Bochs, you may use for example VirtualBox, adding bootcd.iso as CD.
Or you may burn bootcd.iso to CD and boot from it.